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Fig. 5 | Molecular Brain

Fig. 5

From: Loss of Calretinin in L5a impairs the formation of the barrel cortex leading to abnormal whisker-mediated behaviors

Fig. 5

Cr KO mice exhibit pronounced exploratory behavior deficits. a–b The average velocity (a) and total distance (b) traveled in 30 min were similar between control and Cr KO mice during the open-field test. c–d The frequency of entries (c) and duration (d) in the center zone during the first 5 min in the open-field test were significantly decreased in Cr KO mice. e–f The comparable open-arm times observed in the elevated O-maze (e) and elevated plus maze (f) tests indicated that Cr KO mice had normal anxiety levels. g Representative movement paths of control and Cr KO mice during the novel object investigation test. h–i The frequency of entering the center zone (h) was comparable between control and Cr KO mice. Cr KO mice spent significantly less time investigating the object than control mice (i). Data are presented as the mean ± SEM; unpaired Student’s t-test. Cont, n = 14; KO, n = 11. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001

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