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Fig. 2 | Molecular Brain

Fig. 2

From: Synaptopodin is required for long-term depression at Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapses

Fig. 2

Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity is altered in SPKO. (A) (Left) Diagram showing the positions of stimulating electrodes and recording electrodes at the Sc-CA1 synapses. (Right) Illustration of the pre-before-post (100p@0.3 Hz) and post-before-pre (100p@0.3 Hz) protocol used to induce synaptic modification. (B). (Left) Time course of normalized EPSP in WT and SPKO following pre-before-post protocol at + 10ms. (Right). Quantification of average synaptic modification (closed circles) in the last 10 min of the recording with individuals’ values for each cell (open circles). (C). STDP curves in WT and SPKO for pre-before-post protocol at different timings. (D). (Left) Time course of normalized EPSP in WT and SPKO following post-before-pre protocol at -25ms. (Right). Quantification of average synaptic modification (closed circles) in the last 10 min of the recording with individuals’ values for each cell (open circles)

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